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Strategy based on data-driven, creative insights are a critical part of any B2B or B2C marketing strategy. Many marketers lack visibility into the entire scope of their prospects’ journey and are unable to determine which strategy is influencing prospects to convert to customers. This missing link leads them to incorrectly optimize their shortlisted strategy and customer experiences based on their existing touch points or worse-- on guesswork and a gut feeling. This results in lost time and revenue.

Traditional analytical models offer limited data analysis and focuses mostly on time spent with the brand message, engagement rate, positive or negative opinions, and feedback or comments by the prospects. It evaluates the actual message and not the intent behind it.

This solution does not match with the real-world customer experience which often relies upon the prospect’s environment and their experience in the same category or brand’s other messages over the years. Since these past experiences are not tracked by web tools, marketers try to justify their decisions by incorrectly optimizing the metrics they can measure like content views or content engagement.

Heawn brings in this missing link via Creative Insights and tracks the prospects’ experience across various touch points.

With Heawn, marketers can make decisions based on which strategy will make real impact and influence the prospects’ experience
instead of relying on dummy parameters. Heawn uses the creative insights curated across multiple data points.

Working with Heawn to get
truly creative insights

Which strategy leads to the most high-quality engagements and conversions across the various touch points

.. so that we can double down on what’s working and stop wasting energy and revenues on strategy that isn’t

Which existing and un-explored touch points are most impactful to drive prospect’s decision making

… so that we can prioritize and allocate resources behind them.

How long our prospects journeys across the physical and digital touch points

… so that we can optimize and accelerate our sales cycle.

Which touch points and high-engagement platforms have most traction

… so that we can funnel our new prospects in this direction.

As a marketing leader, you’re on the hook to deliver growth – both in sales and brand connect. We’ve got your back to grow and evolve with you.
Together, we can be a team made in Heawn.

About us

We believe that all of us have limitless potential that exists within each of us. We dedicate our efforts and savour an eternal state of eternity, joy, true self and purity. We come together and discover a common goal, develop a trust-worthy team and create joy while working on projects.

We aim to find these joyous people that match your requirements in consulting & staffing and add value to the projects. The team is led by experienced professionals and have been adding joy to everything we do, for decades.

Get In Touch
357 Oxer Ct
Devon PA 19333